Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Sea —— Zoe Wang
He comes with sunshine 
and is driven back by stars
His testiness overturns the fishing boats
His rudeness swallows the prosperous cities
His casualness floods the puny people
He doesn't know
how powerful the strength is
His gentleness amuses the brave surfers
His silence blows the coconut trees
He doesn't know
how beautiful the mildness is
He is wayward
Only him



-Different ways to post: 
     1. In information board

    2. Neighbor's mailboxes

3. stick on people's car 

4. Instagram

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Do Seek Their Meat From God

God made the world and God got command of the world.

In the short story "Do seek their meat from god" by Charles G.D. Roberts, two panthers found food, that is a little boy, for the panther cubs. However, a settler came. He killed the panthers and saved the boy who is his own child. Finally, panthers' meat lived , but the panthers and their cubs died. 

Everything was controlled by God. The panthers went to seek food for cubs; the panthers found the child; the panthers were killed by settler who is the child's father. Everyone and everything are arranged. If the God didn't let the settler come, the panthers would not be prey and the child would not be that surviver. Whatever animals or humans, they all fight for themselves. No one is wrong, also no one is right. Whatever what happened is, that's is God's choice.